
IT Education

Is Bootstrap dead in 2024? Insights from a working web developer

By IT EducationNo Comments

With Tailwind CSS utility classes, you can simply create and apply reusable styles, so you rarely need to write new or any CSS at all. Bootstrap is an HTML, CSS and JS library that focuses on simplifying the development of informative web pages (as opposed to web applications). The primary purpose of adding it to a web project is to apply Bootstrap's choices of color, size, font and layout to that project. As such, the primary factor is whether the developers in charge find those choices to their liking.

is bootstrap still used

The easiest way to customize Bootstrap—include only the CSS you need. These versions will be the starting point for extended support mentioned below. In this article, we’ll cover what has changed in Bootstrap 5, what has been dropped, and, most excitingly, what’s new.

What’s New in Bootstrap 5

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first library, which simply means that, unlike Bootstrap, Tailwind doesn’t provide automatically prestyled components. Rather, it provides utility classes that help us style our components in certain ways and allow us to build our own classes. It has greater flexibility and allows you to customize your themes, and thus not all websites where you work with Bootstrap look the same. The v4 page was extended with content and code snippets, these to build on top of the Sass files. Additionally, an npm project can be found on Github available as a template repository.

is bootstrap still used

If they extend your home-grown CSS, the code will just become a horrible mess. Why are you including styles you are going to override? If you're using Bootstrap for its Grid Layout then just use a framework that only does that.

Tailwind CSS vs. Bootstrap: Performance

LogRocket is like a DVR for web and mobile apps, recording everything that happens in your web app, mobile app, or website. As web frontends get increasingly complex, resource-greedy features demand more and more from the browser. If you’re interested in monitoring and tracking client-side CPU usage, memory usage, and more for all of your users in production, try LogRocket. The code below is a simple example of a card created with the Tailwind CSS framework .

is bootstrap still used

Your choice depends on the project needs and your design philosophy. But, right now, Tailwind CSS is gaining a lot of popularity. Bootstrap is one of the most popular CSS libraries. It allows developers to easily use beautiful styles and components and create responsive websites. Using Bootstrap can save developers time, especially with components that are used in almost every project.

End of Life Status Bootstrap 4

Make utilities responsive, add pseudo-class variants, and give them custom names. In addition, the Tailwind CLI now includes PostCSS plugin support. By creating a postcss.config.js file and including PostCSS extra plugins, you can use the --postcss flag in your npx tailwind command to include the PostCSS plugins when building your CSS. Frameworks like Bootstrap have abstracted the creation of components to the point where it compels developers to use only the available patterns provided.

  • Originally created by a designer and a developer at Twitter, Bootstrap has become one of the most popular front-end frameworks and open source projects in the world.
  • Tailwind CSS now includes a selection text variant that enables you to style the selected text on an element.
  • A common problem was that with many websites using Bootstrap, you could tell immediately that they were using Bootstrap.
  • When I needed a Switch component that had to be a controlled component, I found that only the one of Material UI that ran as expected.
  • The list of bugs and issues in Bootstrap 4’s documentation also details bugs that happened on browser versions that are no longer supported.

No one knows how long a software project will be around, and they know you won't be around forever (they don't want you to, as that would mean spending more money). There is of course a considerable amount of customized work to be done, but using public or private/paid solutions that are easily available and that anyone can pick up is a common practice. I agree that for a simple web-page there's no need for bootstrap.

Personalize it with Bootstrap Icons

First, The Influencers are largely a frontend web development crew. You’ll rarely see The Influencers Tweet about Java, for example. It’s a question on many frontend web developers’ minds. Bring Bootstrap to life with what is bootstrap used for our optional JavaScript plugins. Learn about each plugin, our data and programmatic API options, and more. Stay up to date on the development of Bootstrap and reach out to the community with these helpful resources.

Tailwind is similar to Bootstrap but does not come with any components by default. This is one of the alternatives to Bootstrap, which are customizable and component-friendly. Originally released on Friday, August 19, 2011, we’ve since had over twenty releases, including two major rewrites with v2 and v3. With Bootstrap 2, we added responsive functionality to the entire framework as an optional stylesheet. Building on that with Bootstrap 3, we rewrote the library once more to make it responsive by default with a mobile first approach.

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With Bootstrap’s prebuilt components, there is little CSS for you to write. As a result, subtle changes in the design could lead to hiccups. With Tailwind CSS, you style your elements from scratch using Tailwind’s styling syntax. It’s easier to make changes with Tailwind CSS because you only have to remove some CSS classes. Working with Tailwind CSS means using a set of utility classes that lets you work with exactly what you need. In my opinion, this is a neat way to create user interfaces that are more flexible to developers’ creativity.

is bootstrap still used

Sure, it's quick to use and all, but overall I've never considered it important or needed either. In that sense, it's quite annoying, how so many people quickly grab bootstrap, and go on believing they've done the part (frontend). But the biggest negative I find in using any prebuilt framework, is that once its in place in its hard to replace it. Investing time at the start of a project to assess whether or not the framework meets your needs (and future needs) is time well spent. Customizing bootstrap is something you’ll learn later, but building everything on pure CSS is not efficient for you, and you’ll end up crazy trying to maintain big projects. I think those using Bootstrap nowadays probably don't want to try other frameworks or either they can't switch because their projects were built with it from scratch.

For you to say you're not a coder means you're ignorant of what a fullstack developer does, yet you say it's your profession. In another hand, I've suggested 2 more frameworks really easy and fast to use and prototype which are very extended and useful. And so on for modal-top-right, modal-bottom-left, modal-bottom-right. If you wanted to change the position of the modal you could totally do it with only one class, adding these classes is just dumb. Bootstrap features a dozen plugins that you can drop into any project. Drop them in all at once, or choose just the ones you need.

is bootstrap still used